

MB107春季2013MB107 is the cornerstone course of the 管理与商业 Department here at 火博体育大学. In one semester, students move through a survey of business topics (business strategy, financial analysis 和 forecasting, industry 和 environmental analysis, company analysis, marketing, ethics 和 social responsibility, sustainability issues, organizational behavior/human resource issues) using real-world cases to explore workplace situations with various theoretical 和 analytical tools. 到最后 the semester, students have gained a fundamental competence in the inner-workings of a business/organizational enterprise.

More Information about the Course

The course is case-based such that students explore business cases in class discussions, write several case analysis papers, 和 present an in-depth analysis of one company to select business executives from across the country. This last element of the course, called the “Executive Presentation,” puts students in teams of four to six students 和 challenges them to assimilate the knowledge that they’ve gained about the business environment as they research the assigned company (in past years, companies such as Harley-Davidson, Etsy, 和 Under Armour have been studied). 然后是角色扮演 executives working for the firm, students have 25 minutes to present an informed analysis 和 set of strategic recommendations to the panel of invited real-world executives 他们会评估自己的工作. In sum, students must convince the executives that they are experts in the firm 和 its respective industry, that they have successfully identified the key issues facing the firm 和 that their strategic plan is the right course of action for the firm to pursue over the next three to five years.

Overall, MB107 is the gateway to studying business in Skidmore’s liberal arts environment. Studying private, public, for-profit, not-for-profit, high-tech, entrepreneurial, 和 sometimes arts or educational organizational forms, students develop an appreciation for the challenges that face organizations in their competitive environments every day 和 fine-tune ways to address those challenges. A lasting 和 influential academic experience, MB107 pushes students to conduct a rigorous 和 well-informed analysis of a business organization, to think creatively, 和 to communicate effectively in serious 和 professional ways.


MB107春季2013Along with quizzes of course material 和 a rich, engaging discussion format in class, students leave the course with the ability to:

  • Explain the basic principles of key business functions (e.g.、市场营销、会计、 财务、人力资源)
  • Identify an organization’s internal, environmental, 和 competitive challenges
  • Successfully research 和 analyze a company 和 its respective industry
  • Underst和 business strategies in diverse competitive arenas
  • Develop strategic recommendations that consider not only 什么 一个公司应该这样做,但是 为什么如何
  • Utilize ethical decision-making frameworks
  • Underst和 如何 organizational decisions impact various financial outcomes, social issues, 和 the natural environment (i.e.,三重底线)
  • Work effectively in team environments—with an appreciation for interpersonal skills, motivational issues, group dynamics, 和 factors that can contribute to workgroup 工作环境中的失败
  • Present clear, concise, logical, well-written strategic analyses 和 recommendations
  • Offer strategic analyses/recommendations in a professional presentation format with public speaking skills that enable them to communicate effectively